West Midlands Pension Fund make every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this site.

Links to other websites

Throughout our website we have included links to other websites which we think will support and further your understanding of the topics covered.  The Fund is not responsible for the content of these websites and does not assume any responsibility for the information provided.  

These links are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to provide advice on which you should rely or make decisions regarding your benefits.  


All rights in the design, text, graphics and other material on our site and its selection or arrangement is copyright of West Midlands Pension Fund or other third parties.

Permission is granted to electronically copy and print material from our site for private or educational use, provided that no changes are made to the material and that West Midlands Pension Fund is acknowledged as the owner.

Any other use of the materials on our site without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

Should you require permission please contact us.